
If you’re looking for real information about sex, love, and intimacy on the Internet, instead of titillating text or web drivel, then you’ve come to the right place.

As a psychologist and sex therapist , I have a pretty good handle on what kinds of sex and relationship problems keep people up at night, and I plan to help you solve them.

My mission is to educate and entertain you with:

  • Provocative musings on the nature of sex and relationships
  • Sexual health information you can put into use right away
  • Commentary on sex in magazines, films, television, and of course the web
  • Sex toy reviews

I have a personal reason to write this blog as well.

I have a degree in writing, and I’ve edited and written dozens and dozens of books and articles on all kinds of topics, from pirates, to poetry, to red flags in relationships.  Now that I’ve established my personal sex blog, it’s my turn to pull all the pieces of my career together.


Lucky me, doing that means writing about sex!